[Translate to English:] Angewandte Theoretische Physik - Prof. Dr. P. E. Blöchl
- Ab-initio Computersimulationen der elektronischen und atomaren Struktur von Festkörpern und Molekülen.
- Materialprozesse auf atomarer Skala. Katalytische Reaktionsmechanismen und Biochemie.
- Entwicklung neuer Simulationsmethoden.
- Erweiterungen der Projektor Augmentierten Ebenen Wellen-(PAW-)Methode und der Car-Parrinello-(CP-)PAW Simulationssoftware.
Applied Theoretical Physics - Prof. Dr. P. E. Blöchl
- First-principles simulations of the electronic and atomic structure of materials and molecules.
- Materials processes on the atomic scale, catalytic mechanisms and biochemistry.
- Development of new simulation methods.
- Further development of the projector augmented wave method and the CP-PAW simulation package.
Quantum Dynamics of Many Particle Systems - Prof. Dr. T. Kirchner
- Development and application of methods und algorithmns that describe time-dependent Many-Particle-Quantum Systems
- Time-dependent density functional theory
- High potential atomic diffusion process
- Laser-aided electron dynamics in atomic percussions
- Light-Material-Interactions: Fragmentation of atoms and molecules in intensive laserfields
Statistical Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics - Prof. Dr. D. Mayer
- Thermodynamical formalism in the theory of dynamic systems
- ergodic properties of continous fraction development
- Transfer Operator access to dynamic Zetafunktions
- Quantum chaos and Theory of periodic funktions for geodetical flows
- scaling group theory of cyclic images with singularities