Former Members

Patrick Kaiser, M.Sc.

Dr. rer. nat. Michael ten Brink
Marion Frömming

Sigrid Frömmel
Dr. rer. nat. Florian Sohn

Ingolf Heinrich Harden, M.Sc.

Dr. rer. nat. Robert Schade M.Sc

Dr. rer. nat. Mohsen Sotoudeh M.Sc

Debanjan, Basu M.Sc

Dr. Jürgen Noffke

Philipp Seichter

Loay El Alfy

Johannes Kirschner

Dipl. Phys. Christian Rößler

Dr. Matthe Uijttewaal

Dipl. Phys. Alexander Moeller

Dipl. Phys. Rolf Fader

Dipl. Phys. Jennifer Mohr

Dr. rer. nat. Christian Walther

Dipl. Phys. Gerald Schenk

Dipl. Phys. Manuel Kremer
Diploma Student Aug. 2005 - Aug. 2006

Dipl. Phys. David Reibold
Diploma Student

Dr. rer. nat. Clemens J. Först
PhD Student, 2001-31.Nov. 2004

Jun.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat Johannes Kästner
Institute of Theoretical Chemistry
Universität Stuttgart
PhD Student from 2001-Oct.2004

Christopher Ashman, Ph.D
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington D.C., USA
(Post-doc from Mar.1, 2002 to Mar.31, 2004)

Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Hemmen

Johanna Däumler

Dipl. Phys. Holger Federmann

Dipl. Phys. Sineng Sun

Mag. Andrei Reyes Huamantinco

Dipl. Phys. Emanuel Hofmann

Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Poddey

Dipl. Phys. Daniel Grieger

Oskar Stangenberg M. Sc.

Wiebke Aldenhoff
Dipl. Phys., Dipl.Ing.(FH) Sven Müller
Diploma student 2001-Jan.31, 2003
Dipl. Phys., Dipl.Ing.(FH) Mike Thieme
Diploma student (2001- 31.Jan. 2003)
Susi Krieghoff
Charly Straub
IT specialist for application development
Adrian David Schneider
IT specialist for application development
Markus Sperling
IT specialist for application development
Michael Arndt
IT specialist for application development
Sebastian Pinto-Appel
IT specialist for application development

Luca Jäntsch
IT specialist for application development
Florian Meierdierks
IT specialist for application development

Alina Wittenberg
IT specialist, specializing in application development

Marco Bühring
IT specialist, specializing in application development

Niklas Dankenbrink
IT specialist, specializing in application development
Hendrik Schneider
IT specialist, specializing in application development
Christian Plümer
IT specialist, specializing in application development

Thilo Diezmann
IT specialist, specializing in application development

Sandra Bergmann
IT specialist, specializing in application development

Dennis Harig
IT specialist, specializing in application development

Björn Drude
IT specialist, specializing in application development

Benjamin-Nicola Lüken
IT specialist, specializing in application development