The IT team is responsible for the maintenance of the computer infrastructure of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, i.e. software and hardware installations, assistance with problems, etc...
How to reach us
Our office is located in room 328
Phone: +49(5323) 72-2500
Projects of the IT-team
The IT team is constantly working on new IT projects.
Not every project is completed - but every project has a learning effect!
Presentation of some projects:

- Viewer and creation program for molecules and solids
- Animation function
- File handler for various file formats
- Charge density display
- (Simple) bond calculation
- Display of several molecules at the same time
- Programmed in C++
- 3D display through OpenGL
- Multithreaded
- Pure Linux application
- Developed mainly by trainees
- 2 final theses for trainees were part of the project
- Used at the institute
- is currently not being developed further
Backup system
- Incremental backup system with archive function
- developed in Bash
- Data storage of the archive: incremental
- User view of the archive: like a full backup
- Archive retention time: more than one year
- Has been running for more than 5 years without problems and without data loss
- Utilizes capabilities of rsync and the file system
- developed by Axel Ehrich
- as part of the training: understood by every trainee

PDF library Hadrian
- Interactive page for displaying e-books and magazines in PDF format
- Shows thumbnail of a selected page from the PDF to directly display information about it
- Thumbnail can be enlarged by moving the mouse over it
- Also shows information about the category, the title of the PDF or similar
- The information is automatically retrieved from a database
- An additional script searches for new PDFs once a day and automatically saves the information in the database
- The administration page allows you to change all information, e.g. thumbnail, comment, category, etc.
- Also includes the possibility to start the search script manually